Display Name | Rank | Score | Number of Games | Average Deaths | Total Deaths | Average Kills | Total Kills | Average Hits | Total Hits | Average Flags | Total Flags | Average CPU Time | Total CPU Time | Average turns | Total turns |
Amy's Awesome Alliance of AStar Agents | 1 | 0.018620148 | 20 | 248.15 | 4963 | 28.15 | 563 | 1227.85 | 24557 | 5.7 | 114 | 30364.9 | 607298 | 57.96999 | 1159.3998 |
Kim and Tim's Mesocyclones | 2 | 0.013035513 | 20 | 371.7 | 7434 | 26.1 | 522 | 1154.95 | 23099 | 5.55 | 111 | 103163.45 | 2063269 | 54.05999 | 1081.1998 |
RandomAndFC | 3 | 0.0074836295 | 20 | 410.45 | 8209 | 25.45 | 509 | 832.85 | 16657 | 3.2 | 64 | 413.55 | 8271 | 17.15 | 343.0 |
Ladder updated as of 4/25/2010 at 0:48:21 Central Standard Time