Display Name | Rank | Score | Number of Games | Average Deaths | Total Deaths | Average Kills | Total Kills | Average Hits | Total Hits | Average Flags | Total Flags | Average CPU Time | Total CPU Time | Average turns | Total turns |
Amy's Awesome Alliance of AStar Agents | 1 | 0.018239705 | 20 | 246.65 | 4933 | 34.0 | 680 | 1375.9 | 27518 | 5.5 | 110 | 30792.4 | 615848 | 54.889996 | 1097.7999 |
Kim and Tim's Mesocyclones | 2 | 0.0147929 | 20 | 302.95 | 6059 | 22.75 | 455 | 1080.5 | 21610 | 5.3 | 106 | 147574.34 | 2951487 | 55.329994 | 1106.5999 |
RandomAndFC | 3 | 0.0059068725 | 20 | 435.05 | 8701 | 27.6 | 552 | 845.7 | 16914 | 2.65 | 53 | 452.15 | 9043 | 13.58 | 271.6 |
Ladder updated as of 4/26/2010 at 1:3:19 Central Standard Time