Display Name | Rank | Score | Number of Games | Average Deaths | Total Deaths | Average Kills | Total Kills | Average Hits | Total Hits | Average Flags | Total Flags | Average CPU Time | Total CPU Time | Average turns | Total turns |
Amy's Awesome Alliance of AStar Agents | 1 | 0.015684484 | 20 | 277.3 | 5546 | 24.15 | 483 | 1233.7 | 24674 | 5.15 | 103 | 53437.6 | 1068752 | 51.04998 | 1020.99963 |
Kim and Tim's Mesocyclones | 2 | 0.0124717895 | 20 | 371.95 | 7439 | 28.4 | 568 | 1164.6 | 23292 | 5.25 | 105 | 139394.95 | 2787899 | 48.999985 | 979.9997 |
RandomAndFC | 3 | 0.0058825915 | 20 | 478.2 | 9564 | 26.9 | 538 | 764.25 | 15285 | 2.9 | 58 | 453.05 | 9061 | 14.780001 | 295.6 |
Ladder updated as of 4/28/2010 at 1:8:33 Central Standard Time