Spacewar Ladder

Display NameRankNumber of GamesAverage LifetimeTotal LifetimeAverage BeaconsTotal BeaconsAverage KillsTotal KillsAverage DeathsTotal DeathsAverage HitsTotal HitsAverage Shots FiredTotal Shots FiredAverage FlagsTotal FlagsAverage CPU TimeTotal CPU Time
Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client1208764.5517529128.85760.001.25250.
Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client2208651.217302433.06600.001.8360.
Beacon Collector3508390.6641953317.18550.002.61300.
Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent4208201.1516402332.556510.003.5700.
Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient6204923.0984600.65131.152310.020047.15943413.882760.000.00
Do Nothing Spacewar Agent7504767.92383951.84920.0010.165080.
Random Spacewar Agent8504341.442170723.181590.562810.9854933.461673435.94217970.000.00

Ladder updated as of 3/28/2012 at 11:40:51 Central Standard Time

Game Results

  1. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  2. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  3. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  4. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  5. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  6. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  7. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  8. Beacon Collector defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  9. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  10. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  11. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  12. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  13. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  14. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  15. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  16. Beacon Collector defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  17. Beacon Collector defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  18. Beacon Collector defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  19. Beacon Collector defeated Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  20. Amy's Peaceful Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  21. Beacon Collector defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  22. Beacon Collector defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  23. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  24. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  25. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  26. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  27. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  28. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  29. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  30. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  31. Do Nothing Spacewar Agent defeated Beacon Collector, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  32. Beacon Collector defeated Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  33. Beacon Collector defeated Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  34. Beacon Collector defeated MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  35. Beacon Collector defeated Random Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Johnny and Kelsey's ObsessivelyCompetitiveMurderousClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  36. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  37. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Beacon Collector, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  38. Beacon Collector defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  39. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  40. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  41. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  42. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  43. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent
  44. Beacon Collector defeated Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  45. Tim and Morgan's Peaceful Client defeated Beacon Collector, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  46. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, Random Spacewar Agent
  47. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Random Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  48. Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client defeated Beacon Collector, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  49. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent
  50. Beacon Collector defeated Youming and Drew's Decision Tree Client, Do Nothing Spacewar Agent, MatthewBeasleySterlingDycusCheatingOurWayToTheTopOfTheWorldClient, Random Spacewar Agent