Place | Team | Average Score | Average Beacons | Average Resources |
1 |
Nick and Troy |
554769.5 |
208.0 |
554769.0 |
2 |
PenaGarrison |
277751.5 |
150.0 |
277751.0 |
3 |
ChillBean |
258672.0 |
127.0 |
258672.0 |
4 |
DanielAndStephen |
225503.5 |
166.0 |
225503.0 |
5 |
S.S. Lakshmivarahan (Grant Hoelscher and Logan Young) |
196745.0 |
154.0 |
196745.0 |
6 |
Pirates of the Pancreas (land/thor) |
186647.0 |
87.0 |
186647.0 |
7 |
Adam and the ThunderCats |
166245.0 |
152.0 |
166245.0 |
8 |
Joshua Imbriani and Casper Shepard |
142354.0 |
19.0 |
142354.0 |
9 |
Yi and Jordan's Client |
105008.5 |
36.0 |
105008.0 |
10 |
Amy's Awesome Multi-Agent Team |
54027.0 |
12.0 |
54027.0 |
11 |
Pacifist Heuristic Asteroid Collector |
43880.63636363636 |
29.0 |
43880.0 |
12 |
Nick and Shelby: Tokyo Drift |
41469.5 |
48.0 |
41469.0 |
13 |
Do Nothing Client |
2012.2272727272727 |
4.0 |
2012.0 |
14 |
Random Client |
65.27272727272727 |
1.0 |
65.0 |