Place | Team | Average Score | Average Beacons | Average Resources |
- ***Game 1 / 3 with teams Player1 RandomTeam DoNothingTeam HeuristicTeam ***
- Error in match : skipping and moving to next one
- spacesettlers.simulator.SimulatorException: Unable to make a new team client Shef6292.Brow3464.TurretShip
- ***Game 2 / 3 with teams Player1 RandomTeam DoNothingTeam HeuristicTeam ***
- Error in match : skipping and moving to next one
- spacesettlers.simulator.SimulatorException: Unable to make a new team client Shef6292.Brow3464.TurretShip
- ***Game 3 / 3 with teams Player1 RandomTeam DoNothingTeam HeuristicTeam ***
- Error in match : skipping and moving to next one
- spacesettlers.simulator.SimulatorException: Unable to make a new team client Shef6292.Brow3464.TurretShip
Last updated: Sat, 4 Feb 2017 00:02:09 -0600