CS 4033/5033 Machine Learning
Course Information
- Course Readings:
There is no single official textbook for this course. Instead, we will draw from the best chapters from several textbooks with photocopies provided either on D2L or at the copy center. We will also use chapters from Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton & Barto (available online for free).
- The course syllabus will be available here shortly.
- Additional information, discussion boards, and announcements will
be available on Desire2Learn.
- Class schedule
(updated as the semester progresses)
Project Resources
- Coming up with a project:
- Finding related research:
- Acquiring data (if the source is not already specified from your project):
- Designing your experiments:
- Writing it up:
This page written by amcgovern [at] ou.edu.
Last updated:
May 23, 2016 1:59 PM